Church Planting
to the Deaf
in Romania
Developing and Deploying Deaf Disciplers
Training men in the local church to reach the silent world.
Three year Bible degree from Faith Bible Institute
Bachelors in Nursing from University of Maryland, Baltimore
5 years full-time missionary with Baptist International Missions Inc.
MA in Biblical Exposition from Pensacola Theological Seminary
1 year full-time Ministry Apprenticeship Program at Stanley Heights Baptist
Advanced missions training at BBTI (baptisttranslators.com)

Deaf-Related Experience
Led a student Deaf ministry and Helped Organize and Develop a Deaf Outreach Team
Worked as Deaf Counselor at Bill Rice Ranch
Interpreted for Church Services and Events
On Evangelistic Team at World Deaf Olympics ('13)
Started Deaf Sunday School
Trained Deaf Men in Liberia for Three Weeks
Co-directed 2 Annual Christmas Dramas in American Sign Language (ASL)
Taught 8-week ASL Bible Study for Deaf Ladies
Interpreted in ASL and Honduran Sign Language for Events and Church Services
Trained a Couple to Start and Develop a Deaf Ministry in Honduras.
Work/Ministry Experience:
Car Mechanic
Children's Worker (Bus, SS, Jr. Church)
Teens and Camp Ministry
Preaching (Click for English OR ASL)
Church Staff
Evangelistic Outreach Leader: Door to Door and in Public Schools
Teaching in Baimuru Baptist Bible Institute under Missionary Wil Muldoon
Intentional Discipleship of Men in Their Spiritual Growth and Development
Pediatric Psychiatry RN (2 years)
Medical ICU RN (2 years)
Professional Clown, Juggler, Balloon Sculpter
Pianist, Piano Teacher
Church Bus Worker (captain, assembly teacher)
Member of Team Honduras (3 years):
​​​Ministry Worker (various)
Spanish Interpreter for Visitors
Intentional Discipleship of Women in Their Spiritual Growth and Development​