Merry Christmas!
pdf version here Merry Christmas! It's been a blessing to move into my parent's home this week to spend my last few days in the U.S. This...
2 min read

Thank You For Your Prayers!
pdf version here ASL version: Big news: As of yesterday, Oct 7th, my monthly financial support has reached (just over) 100% of my goal!...
2 min read

A Year in Review
ASL version: PDF version here. Version en español aquí. It's hard to believe I've been on deputation for exactly a year as of last week,...
2 min read

Un resumen del año...
Es difícil creer que en esta semana completaré un año en diputación, y ha sido un año maravilloso. Ahora estoy recibiendo 85% de los...
2 min read

What's in a name?
Version en español aquí. If you’ve been around Deaf people for any length of time, you’ll learn about a “sign name.” This is a made-up...
3 min read

Su identidad ¿ha cambiado?
En la comunidad de sordos, hay una seña especial que se llama “nombre en señas.” Ese seña la fabrican los sordos; para cada una persona,...
3 min read

Viaje al DeafNation
En los ultimos 6 años, los Estados Unidos han sido tres veces la sede de la DeafNation WorldExpo. De acuerdo con la pagina web de...
3 min read

DeafNation missions trip
Three times in the last 6 years the United States has hosted the DeafNation WorldExpo. According to the official DeafNation website, this...
3 min read

Are We There, Yet?
Since I announced I was going into full time missions in Honduras last year, many people wonder why I haven’t left yet. Truly, I’d love...
3 min read

The last 3 weeks in summary...
Thank you for your prayers as I continue to travel and present my ministry around the country. The last few weeks (and months!) have been...
2 min read