What have I been up to, you say??

Dec 28 - Jan 1st - Attended a small Discipleship retreat in GA, directed by a missionary to the Deaf worldwide. Learned volumes about international Deaf ministry, improving my personal walk with God, prayer, and, of course, discipleship. Powerful. (Pic: Several attendees at the conference, with the leader, David Bennett, and his wife in front.)

Jan 2 - 10 Missions trip to Honduras! See my last blog to read about several blessings we experienced there. (Pic: Myself and a Deaf woman I met at the medical clinic.)
Jan 14 - "Dropped in" People's Baptist Church near Atlanta, GA for Wednesday evening service. Very friendly - and missions-minded - church. The pastor had me speak for 3 min to the congregation, but most of the people stayed and spoke with me for an hour afterwards. Made several friends.
Jan 17 - Visited 2 different churches in GA, and was challenged and encouraged in both. Had my first experience with ladies' jail ministry!
Jan 20-24 Missions conference in Volusia County Baptist Church. I could write volumes on their outpouring of love and
support and generosity towards the 5 of us missionaries they hosted.
Suffice it to say they were a major blessing in multiple ways, and the day they decided to support me, I was informed that Beacon Baptist Church from Raleigh, NC has also decided to support my ministry. (Meanwhile the "Snowpacalypse" dumped record snow accumulation on my family & church in MD!) (Pic: I was asked to interpret a special sung by two ladies, "Thank you.")
Jan 27 - I was asked to present in a wonderful, sweet church in NC. I shared my vision with the church, and then taught them a song in sign language. They announced they will be supporting me financially, but even better, they promised they will be praying. What sweet fellowhip... I didn't want to leave. (Pic: Emmanuel Baptist has had to cancel services for over a week due to recent snow storms, but this past Wednesday the snow was all melted, and the sun was shining. Praise the Lord!)
Jan 31 - I spent several days with

friends of mine; a pastor and his wife. Pastor Taylor has recently accepted the senior pastorate in a well-established church in NC. They asked me to share with the teens and children Sunday morning and with the adults in the evening. What a joy. This church, too, sent me on my way with a generous love offering and many promises to pray for me. (Pic: Oak Ridge Baptist gave me an official welcome!)
My car has 2,500 more miles since Dec 27th and I can't express how grateful I am for your prayers as God has blessed with new supporting churches, new prayer warriors, new friends, and new learning opportunities. I stand amazed at His blessings. Thank you!!