Thank you for your prayers as I continue to travel and present my ministry around the country. The last few weeks (and months!) have been wonderfully busy, full, and challenging. God is good.

This past Easter I had the joy of celebrating the Resurrection with my family's church (Church of the Open Door), and then my home church, Rosedale Baptist Church, in Baltimore. (Picture: Church of the Open Door's annual Easter Drama)

Two days later I was back on the road to Georgia, and stayed with several friends along the way. I had the opportunity to join one supporting church in Virginia for a revival night on Tuesday, drop in for services at a church in Tennessee on Wednesday, and present my ministry in a church in Georgia on Thursday (Picture: Me, presenting my ministry in a church in Alpharetta, GA).

Friday I was invited to a missionary-in-training class at a local Baptist church, and met several new friends. Saturday I went hiking up and down a waterfall and local mountain with a good friend.... over 8 miles of beautiful scenery and wonderful fellowship! (Picture: my friend and I enjoyed some hours outside on a particularly beautiful hike.)
Sunday I had the pleasure of speaking in a Spanish church in the morning, then a nearby (English-speaking) church that evening. Monday and Tuesday were spent at a pastors' fellowship, where I interpreted (American Sign Language) for several hours of preaching. I met pastors from around the tri-state area, and learned about other missionaries and ministries that were represented there along with me. Very informative.
Wednesday evening I presented in a Deaf church. It was a small turn-out (4 of us) but they were thrilled to be there. They asked excellent questions, and the time flew. The next day my mom flew down to Georgia to join me on the road. It was a special treat to catch up with her for a few days.

Sunday I presented in two different churches in Georgia, and stayed with some long-time family friends in the area. Two days later my mom and I drove the 10.5 hours back to Maryland where I joined my brother's church for their missions conference. We went door-to-door soul-winning, and I had the privilege of leading a woman to Christ. She was from El Salvador, and spoke only Spanish.
This past Sunday (April 17) I joined a young church in Maryland for their missions emphasis month, and had a wonderful time presenting my ministry goals, and then giving a gospel presentation to their kids' class with balloons. (Picture: Two of the kids I taught last Sunday... the kids dubbed me "the Clown.")
It's been a busy several weeks (though busy is very normal), and I am so grateful for the many churches who have invited me to speak, the many friendships formed, and God's blessings of safety and provision as He led me day by day. Appreciate your prayers as I hit the road again tomorrow!