Wow... lots going on, and lots to praise God for these last several weeks! Due to a series of circumstances, 2 weeks ago, I chose to move out of the home where I was happily living for the last 6.5 months. I had already been praying about whether God would have me move, as I had completed the 6 months that I had asked to live there. God made it clear that it was time to leave. He not only provided a place for my belongings in the interim, but he also answered my more pressing prayer request that no relationships would be affected by the move. It was hard to leave the wonderful ladies I stayed with - and living in a hotel has its challenges - but God provided for my needs. God also blessed in many small ways that made the transition easier.
I am thrilled to announce that as of today I have a new place to live, in the same neighborhood as before, surrounded by many church friends. I was especially grateful for the beautiful view it commands of the nearby mountains (below). The finances many of you donated last year for my start-up fund have been available to outfit it with furniture and appliances as there are none. Thank you!! Thank you, too, for your prayers as I endeavor to move in this week, while maintaining most of my ministry responsibilities. It makes for a busy time, but I am trusting God's timing is perfect.
Also, this week, a deaf woman who agreed to study the Bible with me cancelled our Bible studies (before they began). I still only plan to begin a deaf ministry next year, but it appeared that God was opening a door to work with her in particular. It seems that door has been (temporarily?) closed. The missions field is definitely a battlefield, (Eph 6:12) and Satan is never happy when advances are made, so I covet your prayers as I learn how best to work with this unique, local community.
I will be sending out my bi-monthly prayer letter beginning of September, Lord willing. Keep an eye out for more prayer requests and praises coming your way!