Most of you know that I am in Honduras to focus on reaching the Deaf with the Gospel. Plans are in place to do so next year. I can't wait to start!
Additionally, as I am able, I plan to assist in a surgical clinic that is currently being constructed on our church property. Though there will be a full-time medical doctor directing the clinic, there will be plenty of work to do as surgical teams come down from the States (up to once a month) to perform routine surgeries. Patients currently have to wait months - even over a year - for the same procedures in the local medical system. (Picture: The Rearick Surgical Center under construction.)
To prepare personally, I have asked a doctor who faithfully attends our church if I could shadow her in the local hospital Emergency Room on a weekly basis for several months. She was happy to allow me to do so. To date, I have spent three, 6-hour shifts watching her address a variety of medical complaints.

In addition to improving my medical Spanish vocabulary, I am learning volumes about how disease and pain are both viewed and handled in this country. I am learning about doctor and nurse interaction. I am learning about resources for medical procedures and medications. I am beginning to build relationships within the local medical network. And I am coming face-to-face with situations I never dreamed about, as a Registered Nurse from the United States. Situations that can make one angry. Situations that can make one feel completely helpless. Situations that make me incredibly thankful for what I have in the States.
Lord willing, the Rearick Surgical Center will be completely built and operational to host a Medical & Surgical team arriving in August, 2018. If you're a medical professional, maybe you'd like to come with them! There are a few openings left for medical professionals to go on this trip. Check out the details here.
Please pray for wisdom and patience as I learn all I can about the medical community here. Thank you.
(Picture: My last paid position prior to mission work was as a Registered Nurse at the University of Maryland Medical Intensive Care Unit, Baltimore, MD.)