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Ultimate Reality

June 1, 2024

A few months ago I was studying II Corinthians and looking for the truths that stabilized and enabled Paul’s endurance in life and ministry. The first four chapters hold many keys of stability, but one in particular grabbed my heart and my attention, slowly transforming how I interpret challenges: “For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (II Corinthians 4:16-18)


While we are not experiencing the same level of afflictions and challenges as Paul did, there are times that life is challenging for us at this stage of ministry and maturity. Language learning is challenging. Parenting three kids three and under is challenging. Trying to walk in patient wisdom that is willing to act or wait on the Lord’s direction is challenging. Sanctification is challenging. Discipleship is challenging. Spiritual warfare is challenging. All of these are rewarding when done in obedience to Christ, but still challenging. It is easy to let the challenges consume the attention and the present trial produce spiritual myopia. We can get tunnel vision on the problems and frustrations and forget that they are ultimately servants of God that He wants to use to conform us to the image of Christ and use to impact others.


God has an agenda in every affliction He allows. While we tend to classify afflictions, Paul labeled all of his afflictions from verses 8-9 (troubles, perplexities, persecution, and even defeat) as “light” in verse 17. How could he do that? Because Paul looked at them from God’s perspective. What God was accomplishing in him and in others through the trial was an “exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” The temporal isn’t the “real world,” in that it will not last forever. Trials and afflictions aren’t the “real world” either. What God is seeking to do in us and through us through the challenges is the eternal, the glorious, and the ultimate reality.


This was recently highlighted for me in an interesting way at our daughter Serenity’s recent birthday weekend. She turned three on Friday, May 17th, and we had a birthday party for her on the 18th, followed by a time of celebration over dinner on the 19th with a family that Marie has connected with at a nearby playground where she takes the kids. As I looked around the room I was struck by the reality that we had a handful of Americans, three Romanians, a Lebanese girl, an Argentinean who was there with her Spaniard husband, and the next day we were going to spend several hours with a Chinese family making and eating Chinese dumplings. It was a wonderful and international weekend!


As I reflected more on what God did to bring that about, challenges (and some trials) were the primary means that God used to connect us with those people. Sometimes it was our trial, other times it was their trial. But through the “afflictions” of life, God has opened up opportunities for relationship, evangelism, fellowship, and discipleship as we have sought to humbly be involved in what God is doing. We have not always done so with an eternal perspective, or passed each test with flying colors, but God has been teaching and showing us more and more that a servant merely follows the Master whether to a watering jar to serve, a child to instruct, or a cross to carry. The work that God is accomplishing is truly an “exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” Thank you for your prayers for us! God is answering your prayers and using this unique season of language learning to work in us and through us in unexpected ways for His glory! 

3 Kommentare

03. Juni

Thank you for sharing so much of your heart and giving us all better ways to pray. We always love hearing all your updates. Happy Belated Birthday to Serenity! We love and miss you all very much!

Caroline and Barrow

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Kathy Mason
Kathy Mason
01. Juni

Hi, everyone, this is Kathy Mason from Baptist Bible Church in Accomac, Virginia. Thank you so much for these words of wisdom. I was just reading Jesus's Words in Matthew 10:37-38 and even though I have read them before, they had a deep impact on me this morning. You are right when you say it is challenging to live the surrendered life, but what joy and peace we receive! Thank God for His Word and for our precious missionaries. Take care and I am praying for you all.

Love in Christ, Allan and Kathy

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Treva Shields
Treva Shields
01. Juni
Antwort an

Praise the Lord, Ben and Marie! So true, life has its challenges no matter what season one is in! We have to stay focused on Him as He brings us through life's storms-maturing us to be more like Jesus and causing us to be totally dependent upon our Triune God, through it all! Psalm 55:22. I pray frequently for Muldoon family and for God's provision and protection! Happy belated birthday to precious Serenity and Happy 4th Anniversary to both of you! 🤗🥂✝️😘❤️

Your Sister in Christ,

Mrs. Treva Shields (Matt. 6:33)

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